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Economía, Empresa

1st edition

Sell or not? Jazztel under the Orange soptlight

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Corporate Valuation

Mariano Méndez Suárez

  • Publicación: Febrero 2019
  • Edition: 1st
  • Páginas: 22
  • Book size: 17 x 24 cm.
  • Format: printed book.
  • ISBN: 9788417513832
  • ISBN ebook: 9788417513887
  • Price in printed format: 8€.
  • Precio ebook: 5.58€

Synopsis and Contents

In April 2014, after years of growth in customer acquisition, at rates well above the competition, and largely as a result of this; JAZZTEL, a Spanish company whose main line of business is the rental and operation of broadband (BB) telecommunications networks, news came of a possible takeover bid by Orange (France Telecom). One of the executives of the company (Juan) considered that the business model had run its full course and that it was time to sell. In contrast, another of the executives (Julia) thought that it was possible to adapt to the new circumstances, although with lower growth after the changes in the market due to: (a) the massive introduction of the new fibre optic technology; (b) the competitors’ strategy of concentration; (c) the in market growth rates and also in JAZZTEL itself; and that if they had to sell, it had to be at a fair price for the shareholder. Against this back, Elena, in charge of Market Intelligence, had to make a recommendation to Julia, indicating whether the possible offer would be a wise move or not, on the basis of the economic valuation of the company's BB customers, Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) and its portfolio, "Customer Equity" (CE) and justify her decision based on expected market circumstances.

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About the author

Mariano Méndez Suárez

Doctor en ciencias empresariales por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), MBA por la Universidad de Houston (MBS) y licenciado en Ciencias Empresariales por la UAM.

Es profesor en ESIC Business & Marketing School en cursos de grado y de posgrado. Autor de numerosos artículos de divulgación científica y ponente en varios congresos internacionales.

Ha colaborado como consultor en áreas relacionadas con la aplicación de métodos cuantitativos a la gestión empresarial, tanto para empresas nacionales como internacionales.

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