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1st edition

Lecciones de economía

Sergio A. Berumen

  • Publicación: Octubre 2020
  • Edition: 1st
  • Páginas: 880
  • Tamaño del libro: 24 x 17 x 3,5cm.
  • Format: printed book.
  • ISBN: 9788418415302
  • Precio formato impreso: 49€
  • Precio ebook: 30€

Synopsis and Contents

Lecciones de economía estudia los contenidos de las guías docentes de los primeros cursos de introducción a la Economía, Microeconomía y Macroeconomía de los grados y licenciaturas en Ciencias Sociales de las universidades españolas y latinoamericanas. La presente es una versión renovada y ampliada de las tres ediciones de Lecciones de economía para no economistas.

Este libro se conforma de 18 capítulos, a través de los cuales se estudia la teoría y a los economistas que la han desarrollado; la práctica mediante reflexiones filosóficas, acontecimientos históricos relevantes y la explicación de casos de actualidad.

En este manual, Economía, Matemáticas, Estadística, Historia, Filosofía, Psicología y Sociología aúnan esfuerzos con el objetivo de encontrar respuestas a los problemas de naturaleza económica de nuestro tiempo.

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About the author

Sergio A. Berumen

Mexico City, 1967. He holds a PhD in Economics and a PhD in Political Science and Sociology. Professor of Applied Economics at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (since 2007). His career began as a junior researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas of the UNAM (1989-1992) and later as a researcher and senior researcher at the Institute for European- Latin American Relations (1995-1997). He has been full professor and professor at the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), where he was also director of the Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Administrativas (1997-2007), and visiting professor/researcher at the universities of Barcelona, Stockholm, Oxford and Sciences Po, among others.

He has published 32 books (either as main author or as coordinator) and more than 60 articles in scientific journals of economics, management and quantitative methods with impact index and international recognition (collaborations by invitation aside). He is the author of teaching materials used in universities around the world, including his General Guide of Schools of Economic Thought and his Meta Guide of Theories of Economic Thought: the Extreme Revolutionaries to the Less Heterodox.

His research focuses on three main lines:

1) Implications derived from individual and collective behavior, decisions, motivations and ethics.

2) Study of developmental problems.

3) History of economic thought.

Most of his papers are available at Research-Gate. His H-index is available in Google Scholar.

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