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1st edition

Economic structure of the European Union

Karen Arriaza Ibarra Sergio A. Berumen

  • Publication: March 2010
  • Edition: 1st
  • Pages: 380
  • Book size: 17 x 24 cm.
  • Format: printed.
  • MODEL: 9788473564625
  • Price in printed format: 24€.

Synopsis and Contents

This book aims to show a first approach to the economic structure of the European Union. The content is organized in three parts. In the first part, an approach is made to the evolution of the historical process of integration, from its origins to the European Constitution; here a continuous reference is made to the international environment in which the advances in the long road towards integration have taken place, with a special mention to the United States as a hegemonic power and its interactions with the European Communities. The second part studies the institutions of the European Communities, and its interest is to show the main bodies of the EU and their functioning. The third part deals with the main EU public policies. The information is presented in a pedagogical way by means of tables, charts and illustrations, with the aim of facilitating learning. This book is a useful material for students, teachers and interested parties who wish to study the origin of the EU. It serves as a manual for the subject "Economic Analysis of the EU", which is taught in the third year of Business Administration and Management, as well as support in various subjects of European Economy, which are taught in different Spanish Universities in the area of Economics and Business Administration.

CONTENTS The historical process of EU integration ? EU Institutions ? EU Finance and Public Policy ? ......

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About the author

Karen Arriaza Ibarra

She is a professor at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).
She has been a senior researcher at the Institute of European-Latin American Relations (IRELA), and a researcher at the Center Spanish for International Relations (CERI). She has taught at prestigious European and Latin American universities, such as the University of Paris (Saint Denis) and the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM).

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Sergio A. Berumen

Mexico City, 1967. He holds a PhD in Economics and a PhD in Political Science and Sociology. Professor of Applied Economics at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (since 2007). His career began as a junior researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas of the UNAM (1989-1992) and later as a researcher and senior researcher at the Institute for European- Latin American Relations (1995-1997). He has been full professor and professor at the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), where he was also director of the Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Administrativas (1997-2007), and visiting professor/researcher at the universities of Barcelona, Stockholm, Oxford and Sciences Po, among others.

He has published 32 books (either as main author or as coordinator) and more than 60 articles in scientific journals of economics, management and quantitative methods with impact index and international recognition (collaborations by invitation aside). He is the author of teaching materials used in universities around the world, including his General Guide of Schools of Economic Thought and his Meta Guide of Theories of Economic Thought: the Extreme Revolutionaries to the Less Heterodox.

His research focuses on three main lines:

1) Implications derived from individual and collective behavior, decisions, motivations and ethics.

2) Study of developmental problems.

3) History of economic thought.

Most of his papers are available at Research-Gate. His H-index is available in Google Scholar.

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