Logística y Distribución, Marketing
1st edition
La logística es un área que tiene una incidencia importante en conseguir que las empresas lleguen al mercado en una posición que les permita satisfacer las necesidades de sus clientes, de cara a conseguir que el ciclo de vida de estos en nuestra organización sea cada día más elevado.
Existe un espacio web de ayuda con ejercicios, casos prácticos, experiencias de emprendedores, plantillas de empresa, lecturas adicionales y test de autoevaluación para poner en práctica los conceptos teóricos y aplicarlo al propio proyecto.
1 Estrategia logística de la empresa
2 La gestión de compras
3 La gestión de stocks
4 La gestión del almacén
5 El trasporte de mercancías
Antonio Luis Iglesias López is a specialist in the area of Supply Chain and Operations. He has developed his career in the commercial distribution sector both from the operational perspective and, subsequently, from the consultancy, and has worked in the optimization and improvement of processes in the different links of the logistics chain. During his professional career he has carried out a large number of designs and implementations of logistics centers, points of sale and improvement processes in the management of different companies with great results in costs and improved customer service.
He has extensive experience in training at national and international level in all links of the supply chain both in official postgraduate programs and in companies. He is professor of Internal Logistics in the Master in Logistics, Transport and Supply Chain Management (LOCS) and Director of Operations at ESIC Business School. He is also the author of the books La cadena de suministro, Manual de logística inversa and Distribución y logística, as well as the case studies Scalpers and La tienda del apicultor.
Blog: logispyme.com/
Commercial Research, Logistics and Distribution
Empresa, Logística y Distribución